
Empower victims. Educate the community. Together we can #StopThisTraffic.

When Joseph’s older brothers sold him into slavery, he became the first well-documented trafficking victim. When Joseph was finally rescued from the prisons of Egypt, he named his first son Manasseh, meaning rescue and restoration.

What is trafficking?

Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, harboring, or receipt of people for the purposes of commercial sex act, involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage or slavery.

Making A Difference Through Education

  • First Responders

    We educate social workers, law enforcement, educators, and members of the judicial system. We see these public servants as first responders.

    What to Look For
  • Community Advocates

    Our goal is to partner with community advocates to raise awareness of trafficking issues in West Michigan and empower them to engage victims.

  • Teens

    We put tools and information in the hands of at risk teens that help them recognize warning signs of trafficking, fight back, and #stopthistraffic.


We invite churches, local social groups, organizations, institutions of higher learning, and businesses to raise awareness and funding for anti-sex trafficking programming and we collaborate with these groups to find solutions for our community.

Column Section Title

  • Michigan has the second highest rate of human trafficking in the United States

  • Human Trafficking is a complex issue, though there is data to show its existence it is hard to quantify the number of cases from state to state.

  • Human Trafficking involves movement across state or national borders

  • Human Trafficking does not require movement. In fact a person could be trafficked while living in their own homes.

You can help us in our fight against sexual exploitation and human trafficking
